
The Road to Legend

When I was a boy, my grandfather and I lived in a pretty small island. This island only had one house and a piece of farmland. Grandfather seeded a tall chestnut tree which represented the spirit of his ancestor; he also used to tell me many stories of his ethnic’s legends under the chestnut tree. Every night, my grandfather would play his drum; he said drum’s sound let him recall his experience in the past that when he was a traveling Indian young man.
I never left this island because I was told by grandfather, that only if the lord of this island allowed us to leave. He also said since the permission of land lord, we were living in this island, but he never told me the reason why we have to live in island and the isolated house. Every day, my grandfather taught me how to fight, how to make the strategies in war, how to be a great leader in battles, whereas he did not say why but only the destiny to me.
Time was going so fast, I became a strong man with golden hair and blue eyes. One day, I woke up under the chestnut tree and could not find my grandfather anymore. I was so sad since it seemed I was trapped in this island without grandfather. However, only for a while, I was in anxiety, the chestnut tree started to talk that it never happened before. I was told by the chestnut tree that my grandfather was not my real grandfather; he was an Indian vagrant and performer in Viking time.
Through the magical talking chestnut tree, I knew that my grandfather made a deal with an Egypt monk who was captured in Viking, in order to protect me from a tyrannical Viking king. At Viking time, there was a prediction that the greatest Viking hero’s son would overthrow the old and tyrannical empire, and free people from the violent king.
The Viking king became so angry and nervous, then captured his greatest hero and killed him. He chopped down the hero’s head and hanged head on his palace to warn others who wanted to overthrow his empire. Viking king send his killers to all of corners over world, to search hero’s son, who was still a baby and that was me as well. The hero, my father’s teacher who came from India, that was my grandfather too, saved me. My grandfather took the baby, me, went to see an Egypt monk who could do magic. This monk putted me in to an Egypt halidom, a beautiful pottery which could change its size, and told my grandfather to hide me in his pocket.
However, it could not be secure forever. So he said my grandfather could make a deal with him but it would cost half of my remainder life, since deal was not for him but the devil. He said this deal would provide my grandfather and me a secret island in a hidden time-space; we could use his colorful blanket to travel in time-space. No one could find us only if we wanted to be found. He said there was a house on the island, and this island had couple secrets even he did not know either. (I guessed the talking chestnut tree was the one of those secrets.) My grandfather agreed to do the deal, and then, he just saw the monk took out a golden and shining wallet, got out one magical coin from that wallet with a strange language. Suddenly, this coin became a piece of ancient paper; there were some unknown words on it. He gave a signet to my grandfather to use it, and my grand father gave an eternal agreement to devil.
After that story about grandfather and my life experience, the chestnut tree said my grandfather had already vanished and I had to achieve my own destiny. The chestnut tree said I could use the blanket to leave this island and go back to Viking time, and this tree told me I could use a Viking canoe to sailing on the ocean. There were two greatest swan’s feathers in Viking legend, could be used to conquer the dangers of sea wave, and help me to go fast. Before I started my travel and destiny, chestnut tree gave me three chestnuts from him. He said if I seeded these nuts, there were three thousand brave soldiers would grow up; they could help me to fight for Viking king in the battle and win the war finally. I also got a blue bottle from the chestnut tree; he told me that, this bottle was left by my father. It could be used to cure soldiers only in the battle that was why my father never lost in any wars.
I gave my thanks to the chestnuts and jumped into my canoe to have my sailing, two feathers helped me avoiding dangers on the ocean. After several days for sailing, I used the blanket, and then I came back the Viking world, and seeded all of the chestnuts in soil. It was amazing that three thousand solders grew up immediately; there were three types of solders which were infantry, archers and marine.
 After that, I made a perfect plan, and send my solders to attack the Viking king in three directions. With several brave battles, eventually, I conquered Viking palace and send free to people. Nevertheless, I was not as same as the prediction in Viking myth that to become a new king. By the contrast, I threw away my power and went to sailing with my lovely canoe, which I really belonged to. Certainly, I still wanted to find my grandfather, even if he was not my real grandfather, even if I was told that my grandfather had disappeared, but I had my own faith always.   

                                                                                                                                 Jiayin Pan


Inventory list


1, Blanket: Here is a colorful blanket which can be used for traveling in space-time.

2, Canoe: A small canoe comes from the period of Viking; it has two feathers which belong to the greatest swans in Viking’s legend.

3, Head: Belongs to a great hero in Viking history but no one knows currently.

4, House-island: This house is in a small island and can travel to anywhere. But no one can find it unless the lord of this house is willing to be found.

5, Signet: A signet belongs to Egypt monk to do deal with devil.

6, Monk: A traveling Egypt monk who can use magic but become captive in Viking.

7, Bottle: A magical bottle can cure people but only get injury in battle.

8, Chestnut: Can be seed in the soil, soldiers will grow up but not the plant.

9, Wallet: Only can be used with specific coins.

10, Coins: Egypt magical coins.

11, a person in India, and plays drum: He was a performer in Viking period.

12, Pottery: It is a halidom in Egypt.